The Ultimate South Kensington Science and Technology Tour

London is home to some of the world’s most famous museums and institutions dedicated solely to science and technology. A shoutout to all the science and technology fanatics out there! Grab the best London hotel deals to head start a perfect family London trip planning and quench your science curiosities with this guide. Whether you’re interested in the evolution of dinosaurs, or some space exploration you’ll find something to love at these mind-blowing spots in South Kensington.

The Natural History Museum

If you want to learn more about how the universe works and take a dig into the future of science, this museum in London is the place to start. Also, this popular museum is free for Londoners and tourists.

The Natural History Museum in London is one of the best places to learn about the wonders of nature. It is in South Kensington, a few minutes from the lavish Park Grand London Kensington Hotel and is also easily accessible by tube. The museum has a wide variety of intriguing exhibits to traverse with your family including dinosaurs, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, and minerals.

Some of the museum’s most popular displays which are also sure to become your little ones’ favourites are the life-size animatronic T-Rex in the Blue Zone Gallery, the dodo skeleton in the Green Zone, and the Earth Treasury’s glow-in-the-dark minerals.

London Science Museum

Located right next to the Natural History Museum, the London Science Museum makes a great family day out and is sure to turn you into a science buff by the end of the day. The Science Museum, only moments away from your one-of-a-kind Park Grand Kensington accommodation houses a vast collection of artefacts, from early scientific instruments to cutting-edge technology.

Our top favourite exhibits for you at the museum include:

The Exploring Space gallery features a real piece of the moon, a full-size replica of the Apollo 11 command module, and the Wonder Lab which is a hands-on science centre showcasing live experiments!

Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A)

The next stop on the tour is, of course, the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A). It is a leading museum of art and design in London. It houses a collection of over 2.3 million objects, from across the world and throughout history. The V&A is also home to a plethora of extremely engaging science exhibits, showcasing how science and technology have influenced art and design.

Some personal favourites:

One of the V&A’s most popular science and technology exhibits is ‘Tipu’s Tiger’. It’s a wooden semi-automaton representation from the late 1700s in India.

Another highlight at the V&A is the ‘History of Computing’ exhibit. This one particularly traces the history of computing from the abacus to modern-day PCs.

P.S. You can also see the Colossus computer here, which was used to crack German codes during World War II!

Imperial College South Kensington

Nestled in the heart of London’s cultural hub, Imperial College South Kensington is a world-renowned university with a rich history. The campus is home to a variety of historic buildings, including the Royal School of Mines, the Royal College of Science, and the Queen’s Tower.  Feel free to take a stroll around the campus and see the department names carved into the stonework, a reminder of the university’s long and illustrious history. The university is also known for its monthly Fringe Festival and the annual Imperial Festival, both of which are open to visitors.

A great opportunity indeed, to learn about the latest scientific discoveries and to meet some of the brightest minds in the world.

Time is ticking, so, start planning your trip now!

Book yourself an amenity-rich, centrally located accommodation in South Kensington with luxe rooms for family stays and especially the best meeting rooms in Kensington for formal London trips.

Categories: London Attractions